Welcome to the Moorish International College of the Great Seal


Welcome to the Moorish International College of the Great Seal, where knowledge meets tradition, and enlightenment paves the path to a brighter future. We are thrilled to invite you to embark on a journey of discovery, exploration, and growth as we delve into the depths of Moorish history, culture, and wisdom.

About Us

The Moorish International College of the Great Seal is dedicated to preserving and promoting the rich heritage of Moorish civilization. Our institution serves as a beacon of learning, offering comprehensive courses, seminars, and resources that celebrate the contributions of Moorish culture to the global tapestry of human civilization.

Our Mission

At the Moorish International College of the Great Seal, our mission is to foster a deep understanding and appreciation for Moorish history, philosophy, and spirituality. We are committed to empowering individuals from all walks of life to explore their heritage, expand their knowledge, and contribute positively to society.

What We Offer

  • Comprehensive Courses: Our curriculum covers a wide range of topics, including Moorish history, art, literature, science, and spirituality.
  • Moorish Awareness and Reclamation: As an option you can learn and reclaim your Moorish Birthrights without losing your citizenship rights in the country you domicile.
  • Engaging Seminars: Join us for thought-provoking seminars and discussions led by experts in the field of Moorish studies.
  • Engaging Seminars: Join us for thought-provoking seminars and discussions led by experts in the field of Moorish studies.
  • Community Events: Connect with like-minded individuals and participate in cultural events, workshops, and celebrations throughout the year.
  • Online Resources: Access a wealth of educational materials, articles, and research tools through our online portal.
  • Advance Orders: Engage the orders that is spread throughout Europe and has made its way to America and is now accessible to you.

Join Us Today

Whether you’re a student, scholar, or simply curious about Moorish culture, we invite you to join our vibrant community at the Moorish International College of the Great Seal. Together, let us embark on a journey of discovery and enlightenment that will inspire generations to come.

Contact Us

Ready to learn more? Visit our website at www.clockofdestiny.com or contact u at https://ClockofDestiny.com/contact/ to get started.