Advance Orders

Menorah Order of the Golden Rose:

Menorah Order of the Golden Rose originated in Jaffa Israel and founded by the late Alexander Rebalka, Grand Hierophant of the World Association of Egyptian Obedience (WAEO). He and other council members-chartered Sultan A:. Bey to establish the order in the United States of America.

There are acceptations to membership. If you are not a student of the Clock of Destiny College, you can still apply for membership. It will still be determined based on your character, affiliation, and spirit.

The Order Consist of Seven Degrees:

  • First Degree: Knights of Perfection
  • Second Degree: Pilgrims of Perfection
  • Third Degree: Illumination of the Pilgrims
  • Fourth Degree: Illumination of the Pilgrims (Magi)
  • Fifth Degree: The Great Work of the Pilgrims (Roue-Crois)
  • Sixth Degree: The Oriental Path of the Pilgrims
  • Seventh Degree: The Mystical Path of the Pilgrims (Egyptian)

Rectified Rite of Ancient Egypt 1-90 degrees

If you have completed the third level of the lessons and received sponsorship or recommendation from an active member of the Egyptian Rite, you may petition for membership. If accepted, you will be invited to attend an initiation ceremony in one of our hosting states or countries.

Our Egyptian Rite emphasizes adeptship over the word mason. The is due to old Egypt mainly focused on soul development and industry. The Egyptian rite was developed from the Atlanteans and bought to Kemet which is now called Egypt. Omus, a Moor and who later converted to Christianity introduced it to the new world. It made its way to Italy, France, and throughout Europe. Marconis de Negre, Robert Ambelain, and Michael Bertiaux brought it to America. It is important to mention Abdul Hamid Suleiman of Khartum Sudan, Egypt introduced the Egyptian Rite to Caesar T. Blake, Jr. (Imperial Potentate,1919-1931 of Prince Hall Affiliated Masonry). However, the Imperial Potentate declined the offer by the Moor. Also, it is known among the followers of Prophet Noble Drew Ali that he, the Prophet, had been initiated as an Egyptian Adept. It was he, the Prophet, who brought Moorish Nationality and Birthrights to the blacks in America.

Our Sultan received charters and patents from Israel, France, and America to introduce the Egyptian adept knowledge as taught to him from Israel and France. He in return transmitted his transmission to continue to work.

Egyptian Martinist Order

Once you have arrived at the third level of the lessons, you will be eligible to petition for membership in the Martinist Order. In addition, if you have received the equivalent in the Rite of Egypt or the 98th degree, you will be eligible to petition for membership.

Our Sultan received his Martinist charter and studies from Tau Allen Greenfield and by way of Europe. There are many Martinist orders in the world. Martinist was based on the way of the heart. It is another form of self-development while studying knowledge of the world. Several orders use Kabalistic, Egyptian, Christian mysticism etc. yet, they declare that it is Christianity based. Our Sultan through the old tradition shows the Egyptian correlation of Martinism and old Egypt while retaining the tenants and practices of the order.

Hermetic Brotherhood of Light

The Hermetic Brotherhood of Light (HBL) is exclusively for adepts in America and members in Europe whom Sultan A:. Bey has treaties with through the Rectified Rite

This order addresses Sex Energy, Eros, and Formation. This is a delicate order and very exclusive. This level of adept knowledge can be dangerous in less developed minds and can become a danger to others. Therefore, it’s membership are exclusive and small.This order was transmitted by Tau Allen Greenfield and chartered to Sultan A:. Bey.

ARCANA ARCONURUM Order of Saint Germain

This Order is an adept order and is exclusively for the prestigious, elite, and first-class members. This is by invitation only and the approval of Sultan A:. Bey and it’s AA members.

The requirements are herein mentioned. Potential members must be refined, well studied, good communicator, and financially sound and stable. Also, members must have a passport. Sultan A:. Bey was chartered by Israel Oren, Alexander Rebalka, and Ariel Kvet out of Jaffa Israel.

Saint Germain was a mystic, mason, and a rosy cross member. About one year before the war in Ukraine, our Sultan A:.Bey was attending a special session as a delegate with Israel. Grand Hierophant Ariel Kvet mentioned, later “we will introduce Sufism in the Order of Saint Germain.”

Saint Germain taught Cagliostro, he was a good friend with the Moor Angelo Suliman and Mesmer. He was an aristocrat. He also was a servant to humanity.

Gnostic Temple

If you have completed the third level of the lessons and you have a desire to partake in the gnostic teachings in order to establish a Gnostic Temple in your territory, you are to send an email to The gnostic teachings are open to everyone that are interested in the adept knowledge that was shared with Jesus disciples. Gnostic teachings are to Christianity what Sufism is to Islam. They are the mystics of the temple, church, mosque, and synagogue.

Gnostic teaching is open to everyone. It is nondenominational. You can be a Christian Gnostic, Jewish Gnostic, Egyptian Gnostic or Moslem Gnostic. As long as you believe in the apostles of Jesus and their teachings. We call him God, Allah, He, Vau He Yod, Jehovah, Osirus, Tammuz, etc. Some call Jesus a prophet, son of God, Savior and etc. There were Moorish Gnostics in America and Moorish Bishops. There is one thing that is common within them all: it describes a power or entity beyond the flesh and the creator of all.

Who Study Gnostic Teachings in the Past

It was common in Europe for masons, martinist, and other esoteric students to study Gnosticism. The reason is because the Roman Catholic Church called them heretics and did not allow them in the church. This is hypocrisy to the highest, because many bishops and churches were members then, and now study masonry and run churches. Even the Cardinal studied mysticism and is inducted in initiatory rites. As you progress in your studies these doors will remain open. Study those pages that were suppressed for years.


Sultan. A:. Bey was chartered, ordained, consecrated as a Bishop by Tau Allen Greenfield. Sultan A:. Bey is registered in New York City as a Gnostic Bishop and licensed as an officiant to marry couples.

All advanced orders can be established in the USA or out of the country in North, South, Central American and adjacent to the land of the seas.

More Light

There are latent powers and almost infinite capabilities in every man and woman, many of which they have hardly dreamed of possessing. Nor will mere intellectual cultivation alone reveal these powers. It is only through a complete philosophy of the entire nature of man and the capacities and destinies of the human soul, supplemented by the use of such knowledge, that man and woman will eventually come into possession of their true birthright.

Like evolution and regeneration, all genuine initiation is from within and consist of an orderly unfolding of the natural powers of the Neophyte; and see that he/she shall become the very thing he/she desires to possess. In seeking Magic, they finally become the Magus. The Christ life and the power that made Jesus to be Christos, Master, whereby he healed the sick, cast out devils (obsession), and foretold future events, is the same life revealed by initiation in the Greater Mysteries of Antiquity. The lost word of the Master is the key to all the science of Magic. Back of this science of Magic lies a philosophy as boundless as Cosmos, as inexhaustible as Time, and as beneficent as the “Father in Heaven.”

The purpose of initiation, or training in the higher mark, is to place the operations of the body under the dominion of the Will, in freeing the Ego from, the dominion of appetites, passions, and the whole lower nature. Such mastery of self by intelligent effort and will-power, produces peace, clearness of vision, and spiritual discernment.